RUGOSA is a New York Yacht Club 40 (Waterline Length). The 40’s are the most
revered of a distinguished string of Herreshoff NYYC One-Design classes. This is
because they have the strongest racing record and best acceptance for family
cruising. They were dubbed “The Fighting 40’s” during years of fierce competition.
That sterling record continues among the Classics today, given the success of
RUGOSA and sisterships such as the winning MARILEE, CHINOOK and ROWDY,
named “Boat of the Year” three times at St. Tropez.
The NY 40’s were designed by Captain Nathanael Greene Herreshoff. Those built in
1926, including RUGOSA, were fitted with Marconi yawl rigs designed by A. Sidney
DeWolf Herreshoff. Over his thirty years of ownership, Halsey C. Herreshoff has
managed extensive improvements including structural elements, rig enhancements,
modern winches, navigational gear, and sails.

David has been part of the team since the start of Boatsters Black. Not only has he seen Boatsters Black grow immensely over the past few years, he is one of the main reasons for the growth.
While helping Boatsters Black to the top of the charter industry, David has created an extensive yacht and client base, delivering the kind of personalized yacht charter experience that only a specialist with inside information can offer.

Coming from a yachting family dating back more than five decades, Nick is the head of the Boatsters Black team. He has managed to create an entirely new spin on the industry by incorporating his love of boats with his passion for traveling. Creating and taking Boatsters Black to new heights is the reason Nick wakes up in the morning, driven and ready to start the day strong. Cherry picking his team to ensure due diligence, Nick stands fully behind his team of yacht experts.
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